

Remove clang AST nodes attached to CIR operations

Some CIR operations have references back to Clang AST, this is necessary to perform lots of useful checks without having to duplicate all rich AST information in CIR. As we move down in the pipeline (e.g. generating LLVM or other MLIR dialects), the need for such nodes diminish and AST information can be dropped.

Right now this is enabled by default in Clang prior to dialect codegen from CIR, but not before lifetime check, where AST is required to be present.


Produces flatten cfg

This pass transforms CIR and inline all the nested regions. Thus, the next post condtions are met after the pass applied:

  • there is not any nested region in a function body
  • all the blocks in a function belong to the parent region In other words, this pass removes such CIR operations like IfOp, LoopOp, ScopeOp and etc. and produces a flat CIR.


Replaces goto operatations with branches

This pass transforms CIR and replaces goto-s with branch operations to the proper blocks.


Raise calls to C/C++ libraries to CIR operations

This pass recognize idiomatic C++ usage and incorporate C++ standard containers, library functions calls, and types into CIR operation, attributes and types.

Detections done by this pass can be inspected by users by using remarks. Currently supported are all and found-calls.


-remarks : Diagnostic remarks to enable Supported styles: {all|found-calls}


Optimize C/C++ library calls

By using higher level information from cir-idiom-recognize, this pass apply transformations to CIR based on specific C/C++ library semantics.

Transformations done by this pass can be inspected by users by using remarks. Currently supported are all and transforms.


-remarks : Diagnostic remarks to enable Supported styles: {all|transforms}


Check lifetime safety and generate diagnostics

This pass relies on a lifetime analysis pass and uses the diagnostics mechanism to report to the user. It does not change any code.

A default ctor is specified but is solely in order to make tablegen happy, since this pass requires the presence of an ASTContext, one can set that up using mlir::createLifetimeCheckPass(clang::ASTContext &) instead.


-history       : List of history styles to emit as part of diagnostics. Supported styles: {all|null|invalid}
-remarks       : List of remark styles to enable as part of diagnostics. Supported styles: {all|pset}
-history_limit : Max amount of diagnostics to emit on pointer history


Preparation work before lowering to LLVM dialect

This pass does preparation work for LLVM lowering. For example, it may expand the global variable initialziation in a more ABI-friendly form.


Remove unnecessary branches to cleanup blocks

Canonicalize pass is too aggressive for CIR when the pipeline is used for C/C++ analysis. This pass runs some rewrites for scopes, merging some blocks and eliminating unnecessary control-flow.